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Health & First Aid

The following is a listing of pages from the US National Institutes of Health, Library of Medicine, outlining common disease symptoms and treatment options. Their links are extensive, and packed with practical information.

Common Illnesses
Chlamydia Infections
Cold Sores
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
Diabetes Type 1
Diabetes Type 2
Dietary Supplements
Ear Infections
Eye Infections
First Aid
Fungal Infections
Genital Herpes
Genital Warts
Gum Disease
Herbal Medicine
HIV Infection
Indoor Air Pollution
Lactose Intolerance
Lead Poisoning
Lung Cancer
Motion Sickness
MRI Scans
Muscle Cramps
Nose Injuries
Oxygen Therapy
Poison Ivy, Oak and Sumac
Premenstrual Syndrome
Quitting Smoking
Rotator Cuff Injuries
Sickle Cell Anemia
Skin Infections
Spider Bites
Tick Bites
Tinea Infections
Tonsils and Adenoids
Viral Infections
Weight Loss Surgery
Yeast Infections

Women’s Health

Cesarean Section
Female Infertility
Muscle Cramps
Ovarian Cysts
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Prenatal Testing
Vaginal Bleeding
Yeast Infections

Obstetrical Ultrasound
    • Non-invasive, first trimester evaluation
    • Genetic ultrasound
    • 11-14 weeks early fetal anomaly scans using high-frequency 2D and 3D transducers
    • Early second and third trimester fetal structural evaluation
    • 2D/3D evaluation of the fetal brain (fetal neuroscan)
    • Evaluation of the cervix in pregnancy
    • 3D evaluation of fetal anomalies (special brochure available)
    • Biophysical profile
    • Amniocentesis of pregnancies
    • Chorionic villus sampling (CVS)
    • Fetal muscle or liver biopsies

Counseling Services
    • Genetic counseling for chromosomal anomalies
    • Screening and detection of ovarian cancer
    • Color Doppler and 3D evaluation of ovarian masses
    • Evaluation of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
    • Evaluation of ectopic pregnancies
    • Evaluation of infertility

Diets & Nutrition

Stay away from all fried foods, including potato chips and other processed snacks. No more sodas, no more diet sodas, no more sodas. Forget loading up on white bread or potatos, and let’s include some exercise as part of your daily diet. If you walk in the sun for 20 minutes every morning or afternoon, you not only fight depression and laziness, but the walk itself will do you good. To lose weight, you have to eat fewer calories, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to eat less food. The key is to add the types of food that keep you feeling satisfied and full, without packing on the pounds.

If you want to lose weight without feeling hungry all the time, start eating ‘rabbit foods’ that are high in fiber. You’ve seen them in the supermarket, just sitting there in the fruits and vegetables section, calling out to you to eat them. Just say their names for now. “Lettuce, carrot, cucumber, celery, the names themselves sound like a diet itching to happen. High-fiber foods take a long time to digest, which means you’ll feel full longer. There’s nothing magic about it, but the weight-loss results are amazing. Enjoy whole fruits like strawberries, apples, oranges, berries, nectarines, plums, leafy salads, and green veggies of all kinds. Select beans like black beans, lentils, split peas, pinto beans, and chickpeas. Add them to soups, salads, and entrees, or enjoy them as a hearty dish of their own. Try high-fiber cereal, oatmeal, brown rice, whole-wheat pasta, whole-wheat or multigrain bread, bran muffins, or air-popped popcorn.

The high water and fiber content in most fruits and vegetables makes them hard to overeat. Start by skipping the high-sugar, processed cereal into your morning meal, to make room in your tummy for some blueberries, strawberries, and sliced bananas. Replace one of the eggs and some of the cheese in your omelet with vegetables. Try tomatoes, onions, mushrooms, spinach, or bell peppers. Swap out some of the meat and cheese in your sandwich with healthier veggie choices such as lettuce, tomatoes, sprouts, cucumbers, and avocado. Instead of a high-calorie snack, such as chips and dip, try baby carrots with hummus, or crunching on an apple. Even dishes such as pasta and stir-fries can be diet-friendly if they’re less heavy on the noodles and more focused on vegetables. Veggies can be delicious and full of flavor when you dress them with herbs and spices or a little olive oil or cheese.

Your weight loss efforts will succeed or fail based largely on your food environment. Start the day with breakfast. Serve yourself smaller portions. One easy way to control portion size is by using small plates, bowls, and cups. Cook your own meals, and you control what goes in to the recipe. Restaurant and packaged foods generally contain a lot more sodium, fat, and calories than home-cooked meals. Don’t shop for groceries when you’re hungry. Create a shopping list and stick to it, and be especially careful to avoid foods at the ends of the aisles and along the checkout stands, where grocers tend to sell high-calorie snack and convenience foods.

Soft drinks including soda, energy drinks, and coffee drinks, are a huge source of calories in many poor diets. One can of soda contains between 10-12 teaspoons of sugar and around 150 calories, so a few soft drinks can quickly add up to a good portion of your daily calorie intake. Switching to diet soda isn’t the answer either. Studies suggest that it triggers sugar cravings and contributes to weight gain. Instead, try switching to water with lemon, unsweetened iced tea, or carbonated water with a splash of juice.

In addition to your food and eating-related choices, you can also support your weight loss and dieting efforts by making healthy lifestyle choices. Get plenty of sleep. Lack of sleep has been shown to have a direct link to hunger, overeating, and weight gain. Exhaustion also impairs your judgment, which can lead to poor food choices. Aim for around 8 hours of quality sleep a night. Get plenty of exercise. Exercise is a dieter’s best friend. It not only burns calories, but can actually improve your resting metabolism. No time for a long workout? Research shows that three 10-minute spurts of exercise per day are just as good as one 30-minute workout. Drink more water. You can easily reduce your daily calorie intake by replacing soda, alcohol, or coffee with water. Thirst can also be confused with hunger, so by drinking water, you may avoid consuming extra calories, plus it will help you break down food more easily.

Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

If you find yourself getting into frequent arguments over nothing, you may need to work on your anger-management skills. Big fights often happen over something small, like dishes left unwashed, piling up in the sink, but there’s usually a bigger issue burning beneath the blow-up. Before your emotions take control, ask yourself, “What am I really angry about?” Identifying the real source of frustration will help you communicate your feelings, and work towards a resolution. Once you’re able to recognize early warning signs, and anticipate your trigger-points, you can take action. First of all, take a deep breath, and better still, take several more deep breaths. Deep, slow breathing helps counter rising tension levels. The key is to breathe deeply from the abdomen, getting as much fresh air as quickly as possible into your lungs. Slowly count to ten. Then take a final deep breath again, before going back to your argument with a calmer mind.

It’s okay to be upset at someone, but if you don’t fight fair, the relationship will quickly break down. Make the relationship your priority, not winning the argument. Be respectful of your partner’s viewpoint. Focus on the present. Rather than looking to the past and assigning blame, focus on what you can do in the present to solve the problem. Choose your battles. Conflicts can be draining, so consider whether the issue is really worth all that time and energy you’re putting in. Be willing to forgive, and realize that resolving conflict is pretty much impossible if you’re simply unwilling or unable to forgive. If that’s the case, know when to let something go, and agree to disagree, rather than breaking up over trivial matters that have blown out of proportion. It takes two people to keep an argument going, and while you can’t control anger directly, you sure can control how you respond to it. Set clear boundaries about what you will and will not tolerate, and stick to your limits.

Getting Back on Your Feet

Get up off the couch or your bed, and get outdoors. I don’t want to hear excuses, just follow the instructions. Fresh air and exercise can’t be discounted. Depression varies from person to person, but there are some common signs and symptoms. It’s important to remember that these symptoms can be part of life’s normal lows. But the more symptoms you have, the stronger they are, and the longer they’ve lasted, the more likely it is that you’re dealing with depression. Rates of depression in women are twice as high as they are in men. This is due in part to hormonal factors, particularly when it comes to premenstrual syndrome (PMS), postpartum depression, and peri-menopausal depression. As for signs and symptoms, women are more likely than men to experience pronounced feelings of guilt, sleep excessively, overeat, and gain weight.

Cancer Treatment

Over one million people in the United States get cancer each year. With early detection and treatment, cancer survival rates are very good. Individual prognosis depends on the type of cancer, when the cancer is detected, and the prescribed course of treatment. In women, breast cancer is a primary threat to good health in middle age. The two most common types of breast cancer are ductal carcinoma, where tumors form in the cells of the milk ducts, and lobular carcinoma, which occurs in the milk-producing glands. Detection may include digital mammography, breast ultrasound, breast MRI, or biopsy. In men, prostate cancer is often diagnosed, according to the American Cancer Society. The prostate gland is located below the bladder and surrounds part of the urethra. Enlargement of the prostate can be one of the early warning signs of prostate cancer, and in the early stages, the patient may notice discomfort in urination. For men who are 50 and older, the most effective way to detect prostate cancer is through screening tests such as the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test.

Causes and Risk Factors
Cancer Prevention
Detecting Specific Cancers
Costs and Insurance
Drug Information
Types of Screening Tests
Drug Development and Approval
Clinical Trials Database
Alternative Medicine
Coping with Cancer
Cancer Topics
Cancer Information Summary
Adult Treatment
Types of Treatment
How to Find Treatment

With early detection and treatment, breast cancer survival rates are very good. Individual prognosis depends on the type of cancer, the stage of development when detected, and the treatments prescribed. The two most common types of breast cancer are ductal carcinoma, where tumors form in the cells of the milk ducts, and lobular carcinoma, which occurs in the milk-producing glands. Detection and therapy may include the following methods:

  • Digital mammography
  • Breast ultrasound
  • Breast MRI
  • Breast biopsy
  • Chemotherapy and infusion
  • Genetic consultation
  • Radiation therapy
  • Radical mastectomy

Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, according to the American Cancer Society. The prostate gland is located below the bladder and surrounds part of the urethra. Enlargement of the prostate can be one of the early warning signs of prostate cancer. In the early stages, the patient may notice discomfort in urination. For men who are 50 and older, the most effective way to detect prostate cancer is through screening tests such as the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test, or the minimally invasive ultrasound imaging procedure. In order to receive optimal cancer care, the most accurate diagnosis is primary. Diagnostic and advanced imaging technology resources include the following:

Computed Tomography High-Resolution (64-slice) Scanning
3-Tesla (3T) Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Single-Proton Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT)
Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS)
Endobronchial Ultrasound (EBUS)
PET/CT Scanning
Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
Nuclear Medicine
Sentinel Node Biopsy

Cancer testing and treatment information:

A to Z List of Cancers
Bladder Cancer
Breast Cancer
Childhood Cancers
Colon Cancer
Endometrial Cancer
Kidney (Renal Cell) Cancer
Lung Cancer
Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
Pancreatic Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Thyroid Cancer


CyberKnife radiosurgery is a robotic surgery device that uses a linear accelerator mounted on a computer-controlled robotic arm to treat tumors throughout the body that are often unreachable by conventional surgery or other stereotactic methods. CyberKnife Radiosurgery is a painless, non-invasive radiation treatment that can be used as an alternative to open surgery in certain cases. The CyberKnife uses image-guided robotics to destroy tumors and other lesions with multiple beams of high-energy radiation. The cumulative effect of all the beams at the target results in the lesion receiving a very high dose of radiation while nearby normal tissue is preserved.
Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery
Heart Surgery
Heart Transplantation
Laser Eye Surgery
Plastic Surgery
Weight Loss Surgery
As any licensed physician can perform cosmetic surgery, it’s crucial to find one who is properly trained and certified. Choosing a physician who is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons is the first step to ensure quality care and outcomes. Each ASPS Member Surgeon has at least five years of surgical training, with a minimum of two years experience specifically in plastic surgery.

Health Insurance

When you purchase a health insurance policy, shop online for rate quotes and coverage limits. How much are the monthly premiums, and is there a deductible that you must pay out of pocket, in case of treatment? What health care services does the policy cover, and what is excluded? Fill out the health insurance application accurately, because if you knowingly provide incorrect or incomplete information, especially about a pre-existing condition, your coverage can be cancelled. Watch out for discount plans and limited benefit plans, as they don’t most basic health care services.

Your health insurance policy only pays for services that are medically necessary, such as hospital care, visits to your primary care doctor and specialist procedures, like emergency and urgent care, occupational therapy, pregnancy, and required surgery. It also covers lab tests and diagnostic services, like x-rays, ultrasound, and mammograms, as well as preventive and routine care, like vaccines, checkups, mental health care including therapy for autism, and some home care, such as rehabilitation after a hospital stay. Your state department of insurance can guide you in finding affordable health insurance, and the federal government will provide subsidies for individuals who qualify. Further, under the new health insurance laws, coverage will be expanded, to include a greater number of low-income families.

Preventive care helps doctors catch health problems early, with a better chance of successful treatment. Blood pressure, diabetes, and cholesterol tests, cancer screenings, vaccines, and child screening may be covered without any out-of-pocket cost. This means that even if you haven’t met your deductible yet, you don’t have to pay for preventive care. Choose a primary care physician or pediatrician that you trust, and freely seek a second opinion about a diagnosis or treatment, even changing doctors during treatment if you are not satisfied with the quality of care you are receiving. If English isn’t your first language, you have the right to use an interpreter. It is your responsibility to understand the risks and benefits of your treatment. Ask questions and educate yourself before undergoing any serious treatment plan, such as a surgical operation. Protect your health information, by obtaining a copy of your medical records, and checking them for accuracy.

Insurance Claims

If have to file a health insurance claim against a hospital or physician for errors committed in your case, or worse file a medical malpractice lawsuit, document the facts of your case as soon as is practical. To be prepared, collect your records in one place, such as a file cabinet or desk drawer, so a family member can retrieve them in the case of an emergency. Time counts in an insurance claim, and valuable information and documentation may be lost if you don’t take action when it counts.
Keep a copy of your insurance policy, noting coverage impacting your claim.
Obtain your medical and hospital records, and get a notarized copy made.
Specify alleged misconduct or neglect if involved.
Get a copy of medical services performed, and lab tests done.
Consult other physicians and specialists, for testing and evaluation.
Keep records of the progress in the settlement of your claim.
Print out emails and save all correspondence for your records.
Attach all supporting documents as an index.
Insurance companies have attorneys on their payroll whose job is to limit the liability of the insurance company in the settlement of claims. You may be offered a settlement by your insurer initially, but you don’t need to accept it. You’d be better off consulting your own attorney, as medical malpractice lawyers will accept new cases on a contingency basis. That means that you pay nothing up front, and that the legal fees will be deducted from your settlement only if the lawyer wins the case.

While attorney fees are high, ranging from 25% of your insurance settlement to an astounding 44% of the total claim, a competent attorney can win you a much larger settlement than you’d be able to negotiate yourself. In most instances, the case will never go to court, as the insurance company’s main interest is to limit their payouts, and they don’t want to run up expensive legal fees in a protracted court case. Not only can you sue for actual damages, such as personal injury and loss of income, but you are also eligible to receive money for related damages, such as the assignment of punitive damages if neglect was involved.

Healthcare Job Listings

Healthcare jobs, such as Registered Nurses, LPN’s, LVN’s and related Medical Technicians provide over 15 million jobs, and 10 out of the 20 fastest-growing occupations are healthcare-related. Most healthcare workers have jobs that require less than 4 years of college education, such as health technologists and technicians, medical records, billing and coding, health information technicians, diagnostic medical sonographers, radiologic technologists and technicians, and dental hygienists. As people age they have more medical problems, and hospitals will require more staff. Wages vary by the employer and area of the county. Aside from their salary, most medical jobs include excellent benefits, as well as retirement plans.

Each link below lists current openings:Starting Salary
(up to)
10 Year Salary
(up to)
Diagnostic Medical Sonographers$36,090$68,520
Emt, Paramedic Jobs$29,390$65,280
Family Medicine$78,850$108,320
Fitness Trainers$31,710$56,750
Home Health Aides$30,100$57,030
Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVN)$54,480$84,780
Massage Therapist Jobs$33,000$62,670
Medical Assistants$26,980$37,140
Medical Laboratory Technicians$30,550$59,260
Mental Health Counselors$26,550$46,370
Occupational Therapist Assistants$42,110$58,270
Occupational Therapists$66,010$87,330
Physical Therapist Assistants$41,410$56,220
Physical Therapists$58,050$94,810
Physician Assistants$41,270$62,230
Public Health$92,250$92,250
Radiation Therapists$47,580$62,110
Radiologic Technicians$52,110$77,160
Registered Nurses (RN)$49,730$83,440
Respiratory Therapists$68,610$94,190
Respiratory Therapy Technicians$39,860$56,220
Skin Care Specialists$25,300$48,510
Surgical Technologists$39,680$73,630

Source: Nursing Jobs Outlook, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Public Health Program Rankings – Undergraduate

 1. Johns Hopkins University – Baltimore, MD
 2. Harvard University – Cambridge, MA
 3. Columbia University – New York, NY
 4. Stanford University – Stanford, CA
 5. University of Washington – Seattle, WA
 6. Duke University – Durham, NC
 7. University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, NC
 8. Oregon Health and Science University – Portland, OR
 9. University of Minnesota Twin Cities – Minneapolis, MN
10. University of Nebraska – Lincoln, NE
11. University of Michigan – Ann Arbor, MI
12. Michigan State University – East Lansing, MI
13. University of Wisconsin – Madison, WI
14. Baylor University – Waco, TX
15. University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) – Los Angeles, CA
16. University of Colorado Denver – Denver, CO
17. University of Pennsylvania – Philadelphia, PA
18. University of California Davis – Davis, CA
19. University of Iowa – Iowa City, IA
20. Dartmouth College – Hanover, NH
21. Indiana University – Bloomington, IN
22. University of Pittsburgh – Pittsburgh, PA
23. University of Rochester – Rochester, NY
24. Northwestern University – Evanston, IL
25. University of Alabama – Birmingham, AL

    Source: US News, Forbes, and Bloomberg

Healthcare Jobs
Updated Daily
(up to)
Dental Hygienists$30,430
Diagnostic Medical Sonographers$36,090
EMT, Paramedics$29,390
Home Health Aides$30,100
Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVN)$54,480
Massage Therapists$33,000
Medical Assistants$26,980
Medical Lab Technicians$30,550
Medical Records$29,140
Pharmacy Tech$30,180
Physical Therapist Assistants$41,410
Radiologic Technicians$52,110
Registered Nurses (RN)$68,300
Respiratory Therapy Technicians$39,860
Surgical Technologists$39,680
Veterinary Assistants$21,060
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